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Having met a wide variety of clients, I continue to be struck by the way that unmanaged ADHD symptoms can begin to take control over aspects of someones life.
If you are motoring through life, trying to hold down a job, be a good partner, a good role model, a good citizen... fitting in exercise into the day, and have a semblance of a social life... things can start to get overwhelming... particularly when you also have neurodiversity.
And I have found a strong connection with client's wanting help for insomnia, anxiety, sleep disorders, depression, addictions, cognitive distortions, eating disorders, skin problems... and a link with ADHD.
Thats not to say that everyone with ADHD struggles... far from it. Many people who have an ADHD diagnosis can thrive, succeed and have a wildly exciting and full life. But for those people where the jigsaw isn't fitting together in one way or another... we are here for you.
Living with ADHD doesn't have to be a struggle. There have been many studies over the years indicating that hypnotherapy can be very successful with helping people manage ADHD symptoms.